Wednesday, July 13, 2011

White Sox Fans Aging Faster

Has anyone looked surprised to see you? Have they said that they didnt reconize you? Did they say you aged? Lets hope not. But if you are a Chicago White Sox fan their is no doubt that you have aged this season. The stress of the first 92 games this year has aged all of us.

Lets count the ways. Adam Dunn. That is as much as I will write about him. Enough already. Its all on him now.
We have a third baseman with 1 home run. So much for a power position. We have a base stealer that has been called out at second as many times as he has been called safe in Juan Pierre. Lets face it this team has no speed. Sure Rios is fast but he doesn't get on base to steal. He is hitting in the low .200 along with Gordon Beckman and I bet you just aged reading that. Agh the stress.

The stress has been so bad that Kenny Williams is yelling at Don Cooper to work with his pitchers to keep the baserunners closer. Sorry but AJ can't toss anyone out either. His delievery to second base is one of the slowest in major league baseball.  So not only is Cooper trying to find a closer he has Kenny on his back about holding on runners. So Cooper who couldn't get permission from Williams to talk to the New York Yankees about their pitching coach position this past off season is really stressed out.
Then you have Ozzies boy twitting about this and that. Hey what ever happend to Bobby Jenks?

Anyway with no power from your left fielder, third baseman, second baseman and center fielder its going to be a long second half. As a fan I wish they would just lose 10 in a row so I can get on with my life. But even at 5 games back I still think they can make a run for it. Well okay really I dont think they can make a run for it. Just not enough talent.  Oh well we can see how Sale and Beckman do with the remaing 70 games left. Who knows maybe Tyler Flowers will have some nice games if AJ ever lets him play.

White Sox fans take some Bayer before you watch games from now on. No heart attacks needed please.

To Moose Skowron I hope you are feeling better.

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